The consortium comprises a well-balanced group with complementary skills and expertise that covers the whole added value supply chain of the project as well as the planned working actions and tasks.


AZTI – Coordinator

AZTI is a non-profit foundation (Technological Research Centre) in the Basque Country (Spain). The AZTI’s staff works by two major research division: Marine Research and Food Research. Since 1979, AZTI has been working with a large number of customers from companies, institutions and government bodies, carrying out research projects aimed at generating knowledge and high value-added market-oriented technological products and services to turn ideas into value for our customers.

AZTI is expert in the research of sustainable fisheries management, marine ecosystems functioning, coastal environmental management and efficient use of marine resources. AZTI devotes great effort in the research areas of Fishing Technology, Fisheries Management, Marine Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Ecosystem and Climate Change and Operational Oceanography.

AZTI will be the coordinator of the project and WP leader of the technical WP2, WP5, WP6 and WP7 (management). AZTI will also lead Task 1 (State of the art review) and Task 4.2 (Validation on prototypes at sea).


ITSASKORDA was born in the 80s in the harbours of Ondarroa and Pasaia where the rope makers provided the bottom trawlers. Actually, this little family business that started selling ropes in two local harbours has expanded its distribution network to more than 26 countries on 5 continents.

ITSAKORDA has managed to become one of the leader manufacturers in the aquaculture industry, thanks to our revolutionary and innovative products in the sector, and to the wide range of products developed in the last years. This improvement process has been due to its big investment in specialized machinery, new production facilities, R+D collaborating with technological and research centers, and in training.

Itsaskorda products are: for fishing and mussel farming (mallet, combination rope, head rope, twisted rope. Strand, collector ropes continuous or simple long line, mooring ropes. Tial ropes….).

ITSASKORDA will be responsible of WP1 and WP4 related to fabrication of prototypes and within the BLUENET, it will also control the technical feasibility of the developments performed in WP3.


GAIKER-IK4 is a Technological Centre devoted to the technological innovation. From its beginnings in 1985, it uptakes, develops and transfers technology to the industry. In the Environment and Recycling Area and regarding Environmental Management, it analyses the sustainability of processes, products (ecodesign) and services throughout the entire lifecycle, by applying methodologies such as environmental (LCA), economic (LCC) and Social (SLCA) Life Cycle Analysis.

In the field of Recycling, it works on the treatment of streams of materials from post-consumption waste of all origins and industrial scarps. In the field of Energy Recovery, it develops ad hoc processes to obtain refuse derived fuels and also develops processes for the feedstock recycling of plastics or to obtain biofuels from renewable sources.

In the Plastics and Composites Area the high level of scientific-technological knowledge and the experience acquired over more than 30 years, enables it to undertake R&D projects in the field of Thermoplastic Materials, Thermoset Materials and their composites. It works on the selection, formulation and modification of these, on their processing and characterization, as well as on the design and production of prototypes.

GAIKER will be responsible of WP3 and participate in WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7. Its role in the projects is to design and implements a recycling system and to upgrade and characterise the recycled pellets obtained at lab and at pilot scale for prototypes validation. GAIKER will also lead Task 5.1 for technical assessment of the overall collection and recycling process and for the developed products. GAIKER will be responsible for the development of the project video.



NTT, is a private research organization enrolled among the laboratories recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), operating for the improvement of technological innovation and the competitiveness of companies. The company was established in 1972 in Prato. Its capital is held by companies operating in various industrial sectors (mainly textiles, clothing, mechanical, textile machinery and logistics) for 60% and by MIUR for 40%.

The strengths of their research activities are represented by multi-disciplinary skills, the availability of pilot plants and high-tech scientific instrumentation, the industrial application of research results and the capability of realising prototypes at pre-industrial level.

The skill areas of NTT are: Chemistry of polymers and textiles, innovative process technologies; Chemistry and physics of radiation processes for the functionalization of materials; Design / prototyping and industrial automation; CAE simulation and reduction of noise and vibration; Innovative textiles for technical uses; New materials and composites; Treatment and wastewater reuse.

NTT will be responsible in the evaluation of the processing of the materials as final textiles for marine applications (Tasks 3.3) and will actively collaborate in Task 4.1 in the fabrication of the multifilament and yarns required for processing the final prototypes of ropes to be validated.