Demonstration & Replicability
BLUENET proposes a self-sustaining programme that envisages the involvement of key stakeholders through direct contact and workshops (port authorities, fishing associations, aquaculture producers, and waste managers). As a demonstrating activity, 5 fishing vessels (1 trawler, 2 purse seiners, 2 artisanal vessels), and 4 fishing ports will be equipped with fishing gears collection bins.
At the demonstration scale, we aim at preventing the potential creation of 1 tonne of marine litter in the demonstration area (“Mendexa”, an aquaculture site located in SE Bay of Biscay, Basque Region, Spain) during the project duration (2019-2020). By 2028 the aquaculture site is planned to be expanded to 500 ha, implying the use of 20,280 mussel production ropes. With BLUENET, the loss of at least 400 ropes will be avoided.
A workshop will be held with stakeholders from Aquitaine, Galicia and Mediterranean provinces to showcase how the ALDFG management can be implemented locally, within a circular economy context, and to facilitate the replication elsewhere.