BLUENET has participated with different EU-funded marine litter-related projects in the “Sustainable blue economy: a systemic approach to tackle marine litter” online event organised by EASME.
Together with other fellow project managers, Mariana Mata Lara (AQUA-LIT), Fantina Madricardo (marGnet), Marisa Almeida (NetTag), Sonia Albein Urios (OCEANETS) and under the introduction of Vincent Favrel (Head of Unit at EASME) and François Galgani (IFREMER), we tried to show the achievements of BLUENET project and the next challenges to overcome.
Despite being the closing event, some of the EMFF marine litter projects, like BLUENET, are still underway. There are a few months of work ahead of us.
It was very exciting to see that all these projects are indeed coordinated and executed by outstanding female researchers. There is no better way to celebrate the International day of women and girls in Science!
#NoMoreMatildas #WomeninSTEM
The event was a great opportunity to learn more about the progress of other projects related to marine litter. We want to thank EASME for organizing the event and all the participants for the great acceptation. It was a pleasure to take part to spread the achievements of BLUENET in such a productive event.
You can check for BLUENET presentation here: BLUENET_EASME_MarineLitter_11Feb21
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