Last December 18th, BLUENET team held the 4th progress meeting. This meeting takes place every six months to share and discussed the performed work and the steps to undertake in the near future. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, as happened in the previous meeting, it had to be virtually developed.
The meeting started with a review of the financial and administrative situation of the project. After that, the person in charge of each WP shared with the team the progress made in the last 6 months and tasks that are planned for the last months of the project. Among the discussed topics, we want to highlight the results related to the mussel growth and property tests of the recycled long-line aquaculture ropes that are currently being tested at sea. Unfortunately, a month ago, lots of mussels were lost at sea due to the strong weather conditions. And the ropes had to be reseeded and protective nets were placed for the ropes to prevent it from happening again. Despite that, results seemed promising because similar mussel growth and rope properties were observed in the recycled PA, PO and commercial ropes.
We hope that the results of the next months continue in the same direction!
Finally, the date for the next progress meeting was set. As the project ends in the next few months, this will be the final meeting and a global review will be made.
Thank you to all the participants for such a productive meeting and hope to see you soon!
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